Monday, October 24, 2011

What's in a name?

After stalking following so many blogs for so long and wishing I had an outlet for verbally upchucking all my awesome ideas and opinions, looKIMsopretty is born! Get it? Look I'm So Pretty...Lookin' So Pretty...ha ha.

My name is Kim (obviously) and I am a lover of all things pretty. I am magpie-like in my hoarding of shiny costume jewelry, I have a makeup collection my sister lovingly calls my "mini-Sephora" (it is not that big, I promise...), I am drowning in craft projects that need to finally come to fruition, I wait, salivating, for my glossy magazines that come in the mail every month, and I'm a huge believer in cost-per-wear to justify my slightly more extravagant purchases.

For now, this blog will serve as a place for me to bookmark things I love and share any ideas I might have...with myself, at least. I have so much in my head that I thought this would be a good way to get it all down, and be able to share with some of my favorite people. :) Then they can get a glimpse of my crazy.

Until next time, stay pretty!